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Shinty: Sport of the Gael

Shinty is the indigenous sport of the Scottish Highlands and is older than the recorded history of Scotland. It was played amongst the warrior class as a way of honing the skills required for fighting. Strength, courage and excellent hand to eye co-ordination are required to excel on both the sports field and the battlefield.


Shinty in Outlander

Season 1 Episode 4: The Gathering

Fans of the show might wonder what on earth this brutal and fearsome "game" that Jamie and his Uncle Dougal are participating in! Certainly it has Claire worried about Jamie's wellbeing.

Shinty in the Highlands

A modern dynamic sport

Played throughout the Highlands the game of shinty is the glue that cements many communities together. There are league and cup competitions for teams of all ages and sexes. The pinnacle of these is the Camanachd Cup Final, which this year is being played in Inverness. A must visit occasion for anyone in Scotland at this time.


Shinty in Outlander

Seòras' Tour

For anyone wanting to give the stick a swing then Seòras will happily give you a brief (non-contact!!) introduction. If you can swing a golf club then you should be able to knock a shinty ball into the back of the net!

  • Fixed price for up to 4 passengers Includes admission to Culloden.

    8 hr

    400 British pounds
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